for culture, science, education, philosophy, wisdom, technic; total-harmonization, integration and new creation TELLUSIAN WORLD UNIVERSITY CENTER OF TOTAL CULTURE, WUTC (Wuni)
Activities of Adalbert B. Fodor within C.T.D_WUTC : Offered courses, seminars and guidance in: • Totalitylogy and
• Totalunivesalitylogy: - Totalogy; Worlduniversal Totalogy incl. Human Totalogy,
• T_Universology
• TotalEthno-Culturology
• T_Creativity development
• Total/Universal (T*U); - Development - Harmonisation- and - Integration
• Life-and World Philosophy
• T*U_Epistemology
• Multidimentionally-Holistic
Self Harmonization/ Totalharmonization
• Music & Dance-sciences (incl.
music and dance-epistemology, folkloristic, mm)and T_Creativity development
• Music, Dance & Health: - holistic harmonization with
properly applied music and dance. Learn more>>
Consultations and guidance
with different tema and subjets
on different levels Learn more>> Projects:
• in appliying of the worlduniversity-sciences in
different society contexts
• in multicultural competence- developement • Treating of ITEK-Archive
material for different scientifical, cultural-, artistical aims
• World Conference'2014' in the WorldUniversity-Sciences Learn more >> • INTEGRATIONCENTER Learn more >>
- the
Did You hear about the New and most universal wisdom- science - the world- university- sciences - and to this belonging T_ Creativity Metods? But how where they created and who created them?
(originally in hungarian),
of Adalbert B. Fodor
ABSTRACTS about the book above(in hungarian, english and swedish)
..."This book is the result of a new way of thinking. It contains parts ofvarious branches of sciences"... He (the researcher) applies the newtotalethno-culturological theoreticalmodel and method of research... The researcher is an active memberof the process constituing the object of research... here we find hidden our as yet forgotten cosmicdimensions... The D.H. (Dance house) movement gives in this respect a meaningfulcontribution to the re-cosmicizationof man, by giving him the key to the gates of the consciousness of the universal unity. ...The D.H. people...are the active members of a "process of achieving higher consciousness" in which the D.H. man is harmonizing towards the spheres of the unitar field of the universal consciousness. ...the author urgesas to emerge from our three-dimensional consciousness by learning to know ourselves and try to find ways of further development on a higher level, in universal total consciousness, carrying on our culturalisation trough a new harmony with natureand universal love.
... This book offers a new way, a new possibilityto universal Human development, fulfilment and harmony/ harmonization: The Way of the Dance House. At the same time
theauthor outlines the institutional frame, and its ideological foundations wich came to life as... (Dr. Zoltán Szalay) Learn more: - Summary>> - Abstracts>>
Improvisative pairdance, Forrás_Venyige Ensemble in Lund.
VENYIGE - Sz.Udvarhely, 1994.
Legényes - Solistic-improvisative dance from Transylvania. Dance: Béla Fodor; Géza Kovács;
Levente Jobb.
Adalbert B. Fodor was born in a little village in the Székelyföld (Székely county) in East-Transylvania in Romania. Since a very young age he was interested in life and cultural traditions, in the meaning of life and the secrets of the world in a holistic context. These intesified step by step and filled his life and activity up to the present.
The way he has chosen was hard and meant a lot of work, patience and perseverance in reaching his purposes and led to many different cultural-, scientific and educational results.
Adalbert B. Fodor has studied in different institutes of advanced studies in Romania, Hungary and Sweden.
He had a lot of teachers and masters, from the most simple old and young people - with high life- and cultural wisdom - to the high academic professors and world-wisdom Masters, from who he learned about the meanings and the holistic context of life, culture, and the world.
Adalbert B. Fodor had acquired a wide knowledge and experiences focusing on studies and researches in cross-disciplinary subjects as in universal cosmic-, spiritual and wisdom-sciences, life and world philosophy, universal culture sciences, quanthumanism, folklore, ethnology, ethnoculturology, anthropology, episthemology, etc., and as well as in music and dance with specializaton in ethnomusicology and choreology, in applied music and dance-creativity and holistic development theories and metods.
For more than forty five years he has displayed an activity of vast cultural-, educational and multidisciplinary scientific research, which he is continuing with in present.
He has specialised himself under these years in the multiuniversal holistic-culture and wisdom-sciences, as well as created the leading-wisdom-sciences of C.T.D_T_WUTC: ITEK-,TEKIA & WUTECS, - called Worlduniversity-sciences or worldtotality /universality-sciences as: Totalogy or World*Totalogy, (T.)Universology; Totalhumanology, Total[Ethno]*Culturology, QuantCulturology, m.m., which contents the above mentioned different interdisciplinary scientific subjects and branches too.
This scienses, toghether with similary other sciences constitutes the leading-wisdom-sciences of the Total-Development System he created too.
Adalbert B. Fodor has established and led many cultural-, artistic ensembles such
as children and adult choirs, the Folkmusik and Folkdance Ensembles 'Venyige' and 'Napkorong', the FolkMusicand Folk-Dansfolkloristic Center (in the city SzékelyUdvarhely /Odorheiu-Secuiesc, Harghita, Transylvania, Ro), The udvarhelyszeki Folkmusik Circle"Napkorona"; the previously mentioned cultural-, educational and scientific foundations/institutes ITEK-,TEKIA, & W.U.T.E.C.S, Akademia EthnoKultura, 'Kulturhumanova' and C.T.D_T_WUTC.
He had organised and paticipated in a lot of different multiethno-cultural festivals, cultural- and folkloristic conferences, seminars, a great number of applied ethnomusicological and choreological performances and in some radio
and TV-programs as well as in a number of recordings.
Adalbert B. Fodor was one of those who started and developed the Hungarian International 'DanceHouse' Movement in Transylvania, a music- and dance cultural-,
ecological movement for strengthening the individual ethnocultural identity- and consciousness, which has subsecquently developed into a multiethno-cultural
global movement, and in which he has been actively participated in himself.
Adalbert Béla Fodor has during his cultural, scientific and educational activity collected and established, by applying the multiethno-culturologycal and multiuniversal holistic Creativity/ New Creation concept and other research methods, an unique multi-etno-cultural music and dance folklore archive, which he used, incorporated and worked upp in his cultural-, artistical and scientific activites and works.
He worked with thousands of peoplein different ages, different social status and
professions from both the rural and the urban environment (sometimes in very difficult circumstances) and helped them with their life-, cultural problems and with their self-development. But, He worked with Integration Development too. (For exempel; Adalbert Béla Fodor was beatwin 2007-2011 the president for Lunds Cooperative Organization for Integration Development [He was commissioner in the Board of Integration of Lund [2004-2011] and "Region Skåne" [2009-2011]).
Adalbert Béla Fodor has written and published different pioneer studies in ethnomusicology and choreology (more>>), but his main new way-breaking scientifical work (written in hungarian) is: "...A NEW WAY TO THE UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION AND PERFECTION".
This work reflects a New way of thinking, where he created and applied the ground-
concept and theory of the Tota'logy, T_Universology and Total*Etno*Culturology, including its creativity-methods (T_Creativity, T_Harmonization and T_Integration).
The work constitutes the leading-wisdom-scientific ground of the I.T'E.K & ITEK-Academy'2001', and toghether with other multidiscilinary sciences constitutes the leading-wisdom-sciences of the World University of Total*Ethno*Cultural Sciences,
(WUTECS), and for the World Universal Center Of Total Development, C.T.D & WUTC - The Tellusian World University Center of Total Culture, - wich he established and developed. (Se other works of Adalbert B. Fodor with similar wisdom-scientifical character here >>>)
ADALBERT B. FODOR, is the first - world-universal - scientist in the tellusian world specialized in the Worlduniversity-Sciences and specially within TOTAL*ETHNO*CULTUROLOGY AND CREATIVITY (m.m.).
He is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in
Total*Ethno*Culturology - with specialization in ethnomuzicology and choreology.
Adalbert B. Fodor is Honorary Philosophie Doctor (PhD) too in Quant Culturology, at
the 'L'Académie Internationale Libre de Culture Humaine Intégrale', (Stockholm).
@ Adalbert Béla Fodor is
the President & Rector for C.T.D_T_WUTC - World Universal Center / "Kingdom" Of Totaluniversal Development (Evolution) & The Tellusian Worlduniversity Center Of Totaluniversal Culture. He is an active Worlduniversal Master Teacher / Professor too in Totality- and T.Universalitylogy; Quant-Culturology, Total*Ethno*Culturology, Ethomuzicology- and Choreology, Totalethno-culturologycal Creativity (with specialization in music and dance-creativity).
NEW Sciences -
Lifelong learning and
development - possibility in a totalevolutionistic perpective.
Lifelong consultation
possibility for total-human
fulfilment and realization.
consciousness and
creativity developmet
possibility - incl. with cultural-,
artistical and scientifical
focused creativity-development
character, and m. more.
..."The process of earthly harmonization with the
movement of the universal evolutional spiralis facilitated and assuredbythe initiation and sustenance of the life-, cultural and ecological equilibrum pillar. In this process culture and the choice of culture’s course
has played and playes till the present an important role. Humans consciously influence
and they are at the top of this processof culture-evolution,
and theyhave the highest responsibility on Earth, due
to their intelligence and
conscience level. Humans development and precession is closely linked
to the process of cultural-,
artistic creation and
consumtion in begettering
life with its cultural, ecological
and especially its conscious matter"... (quote from the
summary of the book: ...A New Way to the Universal Harmonization and Fulfilment, by ABF) Continue to read an ABSTRACT aboutthe book >>
to Join the
World University Center
- available forEVERYBODY -
with it's borderless
P o s s i b i l i t i e s >>
Studies of Adalbert B. Fodor • VENYIGE from Székelyudvarhely
(in hungarian, Fodor-Murányi). Járd ki lábam, járd ki most! A Székelyudvarhelyi VENYIGE történetébôl/Short history of VENYIGE (Fodor-Murányi) >> + Photo_illustrations >>>
• Az Egyetemes Kiteljesedés Táncházas Útja / "The transylvanien Táncház - A NEW WAY TO THE UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION AND PERFECTION" (In hungarian Learn more>>)
• A new science for the planetary further-culturalization and development, (- in swedish>>)
• Wisdom-key for the planetary culturalization (- in swedish >>)
• Az Új KultúrEmber és Worlduniversity/ The New Culture-Human & The Worlduniversity... (- in hungarian >>)
• Culture, Evolution, Creativity, Health, Integration - in a cosmical-,universal extended perspective. (in swedish>>)
• The New Culture-Human
(in swedish>>)
• The Transylvanian Dance House Movement. "VENYIGE" - a Dancehouse on the way of realization (in swedish)
• Transyvanian FolkDance Types,
(in hungarian, swedich) More >>
• 'Point'Contruction Variants in the
Central-transylvanian mandance types (hungarian, swedish) More >>
• Creativity in the Central- transylvanian mandance type "LEGÈNYES", (swedish) • Folkdance music from village
Gagy/Goagiu (in romanian-hungarian) More >>
• VENYIGE Dance-House CD
- edited by Academia Ethnokultura/ ITEK. Editor in charge: Fodor Béla Adalbert
Access to the Academia Ethnocultura/ ITEK's unique multiethno-cultural music and dance archive,
realized between 70´s -80´s and
90s - 2005´s by Adalbert B. Fodor.
Learn more about all above>> (1), (2), (3), (4)